Sunday, May 6, 2007

Leaving on a Jet Plane

I'm leaving for vacation in 1 day and 3 hours. I am so excited. Although I think my family is less so. You see I have a confession to make: I am an uber planner. It doesn't matter where I'm going or for how long. I need to make an itenary weeks in advance and pass out maps,etc.

Needless to three year old niece better keep up with us adults because SO HELP HER IF SHE MESSES UP MY TIMETABLE!!! Just kidding. I did add 20 minutes or so into each day for bathroom breaks and meals :P

Let's play a game, well two actually. One is a travel meme:

How many bags do you usually pack for a one week vacation? I pack 1 carry on. I can't stand waiting for luggage.

How many outfits do you take?
enough to make about 14 outfits. I mean you never know..I may meet prince charming and maybe actually have to um coordinate!

Do you shorten your beauty routine?
HA I wish. I work with toddlers all day, remember? So if anything I want to look glamorous on vacay! I've packed all my makeup, flat iron, hair dryer....

Do you sleep on the plane?
Yes. I really have to make myself,otherwise I have motion sickness.

Do you tip housekeeping at the hotel? No. Are we sopposed to? If I did do you think they'd actually wash those comforters lol

So anyone who reads my blog, feel free to do this on your blog and let me know in the comment section.

And my second game is Guess where I'm going!

Let's see: It's roughly the size of Manhatten. There are 3 major areas. Near the home of N*Sync. North of Cuba. Rodents roam free.

Leave your guesses in the comment section!!

See you next week :)

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