Sunday, June 17, 2007

I just found a wonderful new blog.

True Womanhood in the New Millennium

Where the comments are just as good as the posts! I have a feeling I will be on the computer for quite a while reading all of the archives.

Notable Favorites:
“women don’t need to go to college to be wives and mothers” sigh, again (Karen)

Comment # 21
I have read enough on the internet to see that some of the “girls should not go to college” mindset folks sometimes use reasons that seem to be out of a spirit of fear– that their daughters are going to be coerced by worldly influences or not be submissive to their future husbands just because they went to college. To me, that seems fearful because the parents do not seem to trust that they have raised a daughter who is capable of making her own decisions. If they have raised her as a godly woman in the LORD, they should trust that IF she does decide to go to college

# 19
I do think that there are motives behind many of these teachings that are not biblically based.

I wonder who gets to decide in each case when it is okay for a woman to go to college and when it is not okay? Who is the final judge and arbiter?

““normative practice of Christians sending their daughters to college is generally wrong.” In other words, college for girls is, most of the time, outside of God’s will.”

So, sometimes it is okay for women to go to college. Does anyone know what makes it okay in those certain exceptions? And, why do they get to make the rules and terms?

I have been troubled by some teachings coming out of this movement that tell daughters that they are to serve their fathers and even their brothers until/if a husband comes along. Really, serve their brothers? Serve their fathers? What if God has given them a gift of being single so they can be single-mindedly devoted to serving HIM? I mean, the Bible tells us that the married man and woman is concerned about how he/she may please their spouse where the single man or woman is more concerned about how he/she may please the Lord.

Then, it stands to say that a single woman’s main focus is the Lord and serving HIM, not serving her father/brother as some sort of surrogate husband. There is nothing wrong with helping those around us and doing things to bless others but when it is expected that a daughter/sister is there to serve *ME*, then I do not think that is grounded in scripture.

It troubles me that in this patriarchal movement we have brothers becoming an authority over their sisters. It troubles me that it seems that it is being taught that fathers are the head of their daughters when the Bible only teaches that the only “head” a woman has is her husband. The analogy leads us to the Church and it shouldn’t be extrapolated onto all male/female relationships. It troubles me that the mother is pretty much out of the picture and that it is taught that a mother’s authority over her own children is given to her by her husband when scripture clearly teaches that a mother’s authority over her own children is given to her by God. I do not see that a father has more authority over the children than the mother because scripture tells children to obey their parents and to honor their mother and father and Proverbs is full of examples of sons, even grown sons, listening to their mother’s wisdom, teachings and advice and how a disobedient son is a disgrace and shame to his mother. I am troubled by how older daughters are expected to be surrogate moms to their siblings while their brothers get to choose what it is they want to do. Don’t boys grown up to be fathers/husbands, too? Or is that a secondary calling on a man whereas it is a primary calling on a woman?

There are many things taught that are not grounded in the whole of scripture and this college thing is just one more of them. Is it wise to send our sons to college? What are the reasons? Are not they the same reasons for not allowing our daughters to go to college? It seems that the number one reason a daughter should not go to college is because the are in danger of developing an “independent spirit”. What exactly does that mean? That they can make decisions concerning their life and are responsible to the Lord for those decisions?

And you just have to read this post and comments!
"Visionary Daughters"

Hat Tip: A Gracious Home

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